Why Your Skin is Amazing - Facts, Functions, & More - Seaside Medical Technologies Why Your Skin is Amazing - Facts, Functions, & More - Seaside Medical Technologies

The Amazing Natural Healing Power of Our Skin

September 09, 2017

The Amazing Natural Healing Power of Our Skin

Our experts talk to Consumer Health Digest about the natural healing power of skin and best remedies to speed up the process.


The largest organ of the body, the skin, has one of the most important protective functions of the body. This protective function can be disrupted or compromised by trauma or disease. Therefore, the skin’s ability to heal is essential to preserve health and prevent effects on other organs and overall health.

Fortunately, your skin is amazing because it has built within it the capacity to heal itself from mild to moderate insults in order to ensure its many indispensable functions.

The Skin’s Function

In addition to acting as a protective barrier, the skin is crucial in a number of other functions[6] that preserve life and health.

The skin provides* mechanical support* to the body and has a role in body temperature regulation, maintenance of body fluid balance, filters excessive passage of sun-related radiation, and protects* from the passage of toxic substances to internal organs. 

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